While the most power banks need access to an electrical outlet from time to time, the Denqul mobile battery designed by the renowned Japanese studio nendo for Sugita Ace can be easily recharged with only one hand, which means that you will always have a power source for your smartphone or any other mobile device.
Nendo: “When in disaster, securing power supply for smartphone means having access to basics such as communication and lighting. A mobile battery could be an effective source of power and this one was developed to be charged at home and grabbed in case of an emergency, rather than to be carried all the time.”
For power generation under a blackout situation, the designers considered different options, from a solar panel to hand cranking, but the final design used a new method that allowed generating power easily with only one hand. To recharge the battery, you need to pull out the stick of the device to double its size, bend it to L shape, and then rotate with one hand to generate power with centrifugal force. A 5,000mAh lithium battery was positioned on the tip to maximize the centrifugal force, utilizing the battery’s weight as an advantage, which tended to be regarded as a disadvantage.
Denqul also has a charging dock that functions as a container for charging mobile phones, glasses, or stationery so that the mobile battery can be naturally charged in daily life.
CLIENT: Sugita Ace
DESIGN: nendo
COLLABORATOR: product nis / graphic kaw
PHOTOS: Akihiro Yoshida